Green Belt

Photo in the Public Domain.

Green Belt is part of the Tentative list of Germany in order to qualify for inclusion in the World Heritage List.

The Green Belt covers the ecological corridor that developed at the former inner-German border strip. It’s a 1,393 km long, continuous zone consisting of diverse natural habitats protecting wild fauna and flora species that are threatened elsewhere.

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The coordinates shown for all tentative sites were produced as a community effort. They are not official and may change on inscription.

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Daniel C-Hazard

Germany - 02-Apr-24 -

Green Belt (T) by Daniel C-Hazard

I am surprised and excited to see this nomination. Born in Fulda and still returning to the Rhön a lot for visiting family and practicing paragliding, I know the Rhön very well - but actually the whole area between Rhön and Harz mountains (I focus on the Rhön area in this post). What I do not quite get though is the „Natural only“ nomination. Needless to say, the former border, a man-made strip of landscape with many monuments and museums nowadays, would also fall into the „Cultural“ category (so why not nominate a „Mixed“ site here?). That said, the decade-long off-limits character has surely contributed to some untouched nature. I can recommend a visit to the Rhön, already a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve. Here, you can visit Schwarzes Moor [picture], which comes with a boardwalk and a free observation tower. If you like, you can also sink your legs into the bog mud at a designated spot (and shower off afterwards). This rain moor is a legacy of the Last Glacial Period. From the parking lot (at „Haus zum Schwarzen Moor“), I recommend to walk NNW for 10 minutes to „Ehemaliger Grenzturm am Dreiländereck“, a good spot to see the former border with corresponding interventions in the landscape. Overall, despite the „Natural only“ focus, this would be a worthwhile WHS. 

Full Name
Green Belt
Natural landscape - Diverse ecosystems
2024 Added to Tentative List

Unesco Website: Green Belt

The site has 10 locations

Green Belt: Schaalsee (T)
Green Belt: Salzwedel (T)
Green Belt: Grenzmuseum Böckwitz (T)
Green Belt: Schwarzes Moor (T)
Green Belt: Grenzturm Chüden (T)
Green Belt: Jungborn Stapelburg (T)
Green Belt: Turm der Einheit (T)
Green Belt: Grenzturm Probstzella (T)
Green Belt: Monument DDR-Grenzbeobachtungsturm (T)
Green Belt: Torfhaus Harz (T)
WHS 1997-2024